2003-08-17 02:45:00 - Put some useful info onto your slit

Put some useful info onto your slit #

I have a desktop machine (eternium) where I do some desktop stuff and a server (genesis) where I do my usual server stuff…

The server has 2x350Mhz processors and this is kinda slow.. most of the time I wait for compilcated, huge, bloated mysql queries to finish…

To solve it I have to come out with some faster/better alternatives of the queries/php code, so I need to know what is the resources usage on my server.

I used to ran top (to check the processor/system usage) in some terminal window connected to the server but this wouldn’t be so cool like having such informations on fluxbox slit, right? ;)

“Read quick HOWTO here”:http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=75660 See “screenshot here”:/gf/gkrellmd.jpgscreenshot.