2001-12-08 13:50:00 - Fluxbox v0.1.5. is out!

Fluxbox v0.1.5. is out! #

0.1.5 is finally here! major code updates, a couple of new features. All in all another big update for the window manager for powerusers[tm] ;) Please note that the “tab-placement”:/features/tabs.php code is still rather beta, so expect it to be better/more stable in the next release. And as usual, take a peek in the “ChangeLog”:/changelog.php for all the delicious new stuff. By the way to convert your old bbkeys conf-files (.bbkeysrc) to fluxbox new keygrabber’s syntax, get “this”:/download/convertkeys or “this”:/download/convertkeys2 script (both do the same thing) or read this little “description”:/docs/fbgrab.php.